Do you need our help?

If you've noticed damage to our substation or that the access doors or gates are open or your belongings have fallen into our substation you can report this to us by contacting us on the methods below. Please never attempt to enter one of our substations as this is extremely dangerous.

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Working near a substation

Electricity substations are connected to the network through overhead lines, underground cables of a combination of both. Often they also have a communications connection (a telecom connection) through separate overhead lines or underground cables, which allows a connection to the control room or other substations for safety reasons. If you need to excavate near a substation you should follow the same process as for underground cables, but beware that cables may rise as they enter the site.

Storage of spoil or excavated materials, cable drums, containers, etc. near the fence could allow easy access for children, vandals or thieves and should be avoided. Tools and equipment that could be used to breech the substation security measures should be locked away or made inoperable and there is a legal requirement to ensure that the public is not affected by your works. As a guide, we would not expect materials to be stored within 2 meters of the fence. 
Image of external fencing around an SSEN substation

Working inside a substation

We know there will be occasions when you will need access to our substations, such as repairs to a party wall or to pipework or drainage, and we are able to support you in doing this. We are able to provide attendance by one of our authorised personnel so that they can supervise the electrical aspects of the work and help keep you and your workforce safe.

To help us to get you the right level of support, you’ll need to tell us: 

  • What site you need access to; 
  • The type of work you need to carry out (scaffolding, wall repairs); 
  • How long you need access for. 

We can then work with you to develop a plan and help your teams stay safe

Image inside an SSEN substation

Do you require our assistance?

It is important to understand where our cables lie when working near our substations. If you're working close to our sites or network, or need us to check our equipment you can raise a job with us online on our services page. 
Our Services