Where is your generation connection?



Connecting Generation within Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution PLC (SHEPD) licensed area

Within our SHEPD licensed area, the process that will be followed will depend on the export capacity of the generator. We encourage you to get in touch with our team of account managers, whose main duty is to assist our customers through the process of securing a generation connection. We are available to meet with prospective customers before an application has been made, discuss a quotation prior to issuing it, and will then be available to assist and guide the customer right through to energisation of the project.

If you have a project where the installed generator exports less than 50kW, please refer to our Generation Connections page.

Projects between 50kW and 999kW

When you receive your connection offer, it may have a dependency on a Transmission Assessment. This occurs when the capacity at certain Grid Supply Points (GSPs) are almost full. We need to review the GSPs with Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Limited (SHETL) to provide an estimated connection date for your generator. You may need to wait for SHETL works to be completed before you can connect. In most cases, this will be detailed within your Connection Offer. Where there is a date to be confirmed within your Connection Offer, SHETL still need to complete a study before we can advise of the estimated transmission connection date. You can view our Network Capacity map which provides an indication of the network's capability to connect your development

Earlier access to the Transmission system may be available, but a study will need to be carried out by SHETL. You can request SHEPD apply for a Statement of Works study to be carried out (more information below). 

Please note: earlier access is not always available, and a study fee will come at a cost to you.

Statement of Works

This process is predominantly for projects between 1MW and 10MW

A statement of Works is required when your proposed generator may have an impact on the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS). This involves an assessment of the NETS to determine whether there is a need to reinforce the transmission network as a result of the new generator connecting to the distribution network.

When you accept your Connection Offer, you also need to pay for the Statement of Works to be carried out. Once we receive your payment, currently £7,650 + VAT, we will submit information (exhibit ‘U’) to the TSO. The TSO then determines if the application is competent. If competent, the TSO carries out their studies and provides their response within 3 months. Where works are required to facilitate your connection, we will review the technical requirements, and where necessary issue a variation to your initial Connection Offer.

The variation will detail an estimated transmission access date, any identified technical requirements (e.g. intertrip/flexible connection) and include your security and liability statement. You are required to secure transmission upgrades required for your connection. The TSO issues a new statement every six months, which will be passed to you. Should you be unable to pay the statement, you are at risk of the offer being terminated.

To progress your project, you must accept the variation within 30 working days and provide payments as detailed in the security and liability statement, as well as any one-off payments detailed. SHEPD will not sign their paperwork with TSO until all payments are in place with the signed variation agreement.

Modification Application - predominantly for projects 10MW or greater

If you are looking to generate 10MW or more in SHEPD's area, you will need to apply directly to the TSO for a BELLA (Bilateral Embedded Licence Exemptible Large Power Station Agreement) or a BEGA (Bilateral Embedded Generation Agreement).

We have developed a helpful guide to help you through the process.

You can find more information on the National Grid website under the Large Embedded Generation heading.

Our Account Managers can facilitate a call with you, National Grid and SHETL to discuss your project. If you require assistance, please contact commercial.contracts@sse.com 

Transmission Impact Assessments and our Southern Electric Power Distribution PLC (SEPD) licensed area

Due to the significant growth in accepted connection offers across the electricity network, the likelihood of your connection requiring a transmission impact assessment from NGESO prior to energisation is only increasing.

If your intended connection has more than 1MW of export capacity, a transmission impact assessment carried out by NGESO may be required before energisation. If your project will connect to the following GSPs (Grid Supply Points), the Appendix G process will apply:

  • Axminster
  • Botley Wood
  • Bramley
  • Chickerell
  • Cowley
  • East Claydon
  • Fawley
  • Fleet
  • Lovedean
  • Mannington
  • Melksham
  • Minety
  • Nursling

If there is available capacity at these GSPs, your project will be submitted to NGESO via the Appendix G process for review. Once NGESO have approved the submission, it will be entered into the Appendix G document for that GSP and your Account Manager will inform you of the process completion.

If there is insufficient capacity at the GSP, we will need to make an application to NGESO for further headroom. Projects with export capacity less than 49.9MW can be submitted in a bulk Project Progression application to NGESO for study. If your project has an export capacity of greater than 49.9MW, NGESO will require a standalone Project Progression application. Application fees will be requested from you as part of your acceptance payment. If NGESO identify that transmission works are required, this will likely impact the financial cost and timescales of your project. Securities payments may also be required. Your Account Manager will inform you of the impact of such transmission works via a variation to your connection offer which must be accepted to proceed with your project.

If your intended connection is for a large industrial or commercial site, there may also be a requirement for a transmission impact assessment from NGESO prior to energisation. This requirement is often dependent on the import capacity requested for your connection and the geographical location of your premises. For example, a connection at any of our west London GSPs will likely require a TIA because of the network congestion in that area. Please contact our Account Management team if you would like more information. Where the requirement for a TIA is identified, we will need to submit a Modification Application to NGESO to study the impact of your connection on the transmission network. We will therefore require payment of the relevant application fee as part of your acceptance. If transmission works are required to enable your connection, there will be an impact on the financial cost and timescales of your project. Securities payments may also be required. Your Account Manager will inform you of the impact of such transmission works via a variation to your connection offer which must be accepted to proceed with your project.

Useful resources