Find the right connection for you

Our flowchart will guide you to the most relevant Distributed Generation Connection for the electrical equipment (solar panels, battery storage, wind turbines, etc) you are planning to install. 
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Medium and large generation sites with capacity greater than 50kW G99

If you plan to install generation plants greater than 50kW, three-phase, then please contact our major connections contract team.

If you plan to install a generator up to 17kW single phase or 50kW three-phase which do not conform to the G83/1-1 G83/2-1 or G98 then you will need to consult the guide for connection generation within ENA ER G59/2 G59/3 or G99.

Information on the generation station will be required when submitting your application, but the guidance notes included with the application will assist you with these. You must also notify us 15 days before installing and commissioning plant greater than 50kW, as we will need to attend the test.

Please either complete and submit an application by emailing us at or contact us for more information. If you plan to install a generator up to 17kW single phase or 50kW three-phase which do not conform to the G83/2-1 or G98, then you will need to consult the guide for connection generation.

Guides and contact information

Transmission Impact Assessment GSP Status

Please note: All connections with more than 1MW of export will require a Transmission Impact Assessment. We are also seeing significant growth in the number of demand connections that require a TIA due to the level of constraint on the distribution and transmission networks. If your connection has more than 1MVA of import capacity, it is possible that you will require a TIA to understand whether your project will trigger any necessary transmission works.

Download and apply

Download the EREC G99 ENA application form. Once completed, please return along with any relevant documents by email to