• Long Term Development Statements (North and South)

    Our Long Term Development Statements for both of Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks regions include information for anyone connecting to our distribution system at extra-high voltage (EHV) level (including HV busbar of primary substations). It is designed to help to identify and evaluate opportunities for entering into arrangements with us relating to the use of a system or connection.
  • Active Network Management - Orkney and Isle of Wight

    In areas where there are several, complex thermal constraints affecting a number of customers over a long period of time, full ANM systems will be implemented, where it is technically viable. An ANM system continually monitors all the constraints on an area of the network, in real-time, and allocates the maximum amount of capacity available to customers in that area based on the date their connection was accepted.
  • Network Rating and Loading Information

    We have compiled loading and maximum demand data for individual feeders and substations. This data has been prepared for both Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks regions and will give you information about the local network to allow the analysis required to ensure a safe and secure supply when self-identifying POCs. (Please note that you will be asked to register your e-mail and a password to view network rating and loading information on our secure website).

Network Development Plan

Our Network Development Plan (NDP) provides interested parties with information out to 2032 and beyond on the likely network capacity based on proposed network development and investment in both our southern England (SEPD) and North of Scotland (SHEPD) distribution licence areas.

The NDP builds on the Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES), considering multiple scenarios out to 2050, and highlights future investments that we may develop and deliver in our licence areas.

By using the NDP alongside the other information available on our website, we hope existing and new interested parties are able to identify the most advantageous areas of our network for them to connect, when and where constraints may occur, and develop targeted mitigations.

Our NDP consists of a suite of documents: the Network Development Report (NDR); the NDP Methodology & Assumptions; and the Network Headroom Report (NHR). To lend greater clarity to users, we have produced a separate NDR and NHR for each of our licence areas.

SSEN Network Development Plan Methodology & Assumptions

SEPD Network Development Report   

SEPD Network Headroom Report   

SHEPD Network Development Report   

SHEPD Network Headroom Report   

Generation Availability and Contracted Demand map

View our Generation Availability and Contracted demand map for both north and south. Our map provides an indication of the networks capability to connect large-scale developments to major substations. The heat map for both of our network regions provides Grid Supply Point (GSP) details, GSP and substation transformer ratings, Fault level information, and contracted and quoted generation projects at each GSP.
Preview image of our new map