Legal Disclaimer

The list is not exhaustive, nor does it provide any form of recommendation or endorsement. It is a list of alternative providers who have chosen to register their details on our site. We shall not be liable for error or inaccuracy of the list, nor liable to you in tort (including negligence) or otherwise for losses arising from or in connection with your use of this Alternative Provider List for (a) loss of profits; (b) loss of sales or business; (c) loss of agreements or contracts; (d) loss of anticipated savings; (e) loss of or damage to goodwill; or (f) any indirect or consequential loss.

Please note that a service charge may apply to numbers provided on our alternative provider's list. Contact your phone company if you want to check what a call would cost. 

Do you have a question? 

If you have any queries about the information presented on our Alternative Provider results please contact If you would like to update your existing details please use our Alternative Provider Registration form

Alternative Provider Registration

If you would like your company to be added to our list of alternative providers for new connections work that is active in our area, please visit our dedicated page and submit our form. 