We always aim to provide a 10 out of 10 service to every customer that contacts us.

We understand that sometimes our customers may wish to get in touch with concerns. If you aren’t happy with our service, then we want to hear from you so that we can learn from those situations and hopefully provide a satisfactory solution.

As part of resolving your complaint, we will offer you an explanation and an apology. We will also take remedial action and may award compensation in appropriate circumstances in line with Ofgem's Quality of Service Guaranteed Standards.

How to raise a complaint

We've made it as easy as possible for you to contact us with a complaint.

Contact us

By post 

If you'd rather write to us, you can do so using the address below. 

Perth (Scotland) Office
Complaints Manager
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
Inveralmond House
200 Dunkeld Road

Portsmouth (England) Office:

Complaints Manager
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
Walton Park
Walton Road

If your complaint is relating to your bill, meter, or anything regarding your electricity/gas account, you should contact your energy supplier. Their details can be found on your most recent bill. 

Our Complaints Process

Our process is here to ensure that we provide you with a resolution to your complaint in a timely and fair manner. 

You should find everything you need on this page. If you wish to view our full complaints handling process, please use the links below: 

Our complaints handling timeline, text version can be found the the document above


This page provides information on the complaints process for the Distribution business. If you require help or support for Transmission related queries, please visit


Ombudsman services

If you remain unhappy after receiving the response from the alternative Head of Business, you can ask us to 'deadlock' your complaint. Find out what you need to do if you'd like the Energy Ombudsman to look at your complaint.